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Zapraszamy na spotkanie z Benjaminem Cope’em z cyklu Zachęta Talks w języku angielskim towarzyszące wystawie „Aneta Grzeszykowska. Śmierć i dziewczyna”


Organised and run by a Warsaw-based British humanist, Benjamin Cope, the project aims to inform its audience about the work displayed in the gallery. By putting the pieces into a historical and cultural context, Zachęta Talks explores and enlightens the viewers about ‘insider’ aspects of the Polish art industry. The meetings are organised in the form of a guided tour on a monthly basis; each time a new exhibition is on show. Free of charge, the project welcomes anyone interested in learning about Poland in English; whether a tourist, a businessman, an exchange student or simply a person with a passion for learning. Zachęta Talks is not aimed at a specific type of viewer, and is thus open to those eager for debate as much as quiet listeners of any age and profession. The project will consist of a set of brain-tickling talks, taking place in an informal and friendly environment, hoping to expand the group’s horizons beyond the Gallery’s walls.

więcej informacji: tel. 22 556 96 51 (wtorek–niedziela, godz. 12–20) 
lub e-mail: j.kinowska@zacheta.art.pl