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mudac Lausanne

On the lookout for new trends, the mudac – Musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains – wishes to be a place for exchanges and encounters between the various fields of design, the applied arts and contemporary art. The successor to Lausanne’s Musée des arts décoratifs, it opened its doors in June 2000.

A rhythm of around six temporary exhibitions per year has emerged naturally since the museum’s opening, with, among others, the series of “carte blanche to a designer” exhibitions. As for the permanent collections, new installations are offered regularly in order to permit visitors to see the entire collections progressively.

In parallel, the museum opens its doors to performing arts: dancers, producers, performers and musicians. The mudac thus profiles itself as a platform for free exchange between diverse forms of artistic expression, both Swiss and international.

 Design: "Industrial aesthetic applied to the search for forms that are new and adapted to their function (for utilitarian objects, furniture, living environment in general." (Le Nouveau Petit Robert, éd. 2001).

Applied arts: "Art with a utilitarian calling". (Le Nouveau Petit Robert, éd. 2001).